Why do you always look at what’s bad!

Picture of Teddy


I am currently working with a client that’s 3 weeks into a 12 week online program. During our weekly coaching call I asked him to tell me about all the things that are going well since we started working together. And he mentioned the following:

  1. I’m sleeping far better, I am getting 8 hours of solid sleep every night which wasn’t the case before. (keep in mind this is father of 3 with 1 on the way)
  2. I dont rely on Monster or Redbull anymore to get me over my midday slump.
  3. I feel in control of my food.
  4. I am eating far cleaner and healthier foods and I am feeling great.
  5. I have far more energy.
  6. I am training more consistently.

Moments after that as we were talking he mentioned how disappointed he was that he had not lost any weight………. I said “sorry?”. He said it again! I asked him to repeat all the things that he mentioned above. I then asked him does he still feel disappointed? He said “when you put it that way………no!”

The point of this is that we are all very quick to put ourselves down, to focus on the negatives despite all the positive things that we may have achieved. I asked this guy to do one thing for me for the week and now I am going to ask you to do the same………..

If you have a one negative thought about yourself, I want you to counter act it with two positive thoughts. e.g. fuck sake I didn’t lose weight this week because of that night out…………. but i hadn’t seeing the lads/ladys with ages and it was great to catch up and have the craic, i really needed that time with them to destress etc etc. I’ll get back on it now again this week.



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